The Viome Blog

The latest ideas, insights, and inspiration, expertly curated to empower you on your health journey. Learn more about systems biology and the many ways the microbiome plays a critical role in your health & wellness.


Nutrition 2.0: Analyzing your biochemical individuality with mathematical precision to serve up your ideal diet

Going beyond today’s Nutrition 1.0, we describe a new nutritional framework that uses chemistry and math to deliver the optimal nutrition for you individually

man running in forest sunrise


Springing Into Action: Movement to Boost Your Gut Health

How getting your body moving can make an impact on your digestion, microbe diversity and gut health.

6 sustaining pre and post workout snacks


6 Sustaining Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks to Fuel You Throughout the Day

Productive workouts require energy. Not only before your workout, but after as well, with a post-workout snack.

man doing yoga


Why You Should Move More to Boost Digestion

Turns out movement is good for your body and your microbes. How can physical activity benefit your gut microbiome balance and diversity?

Most Recent

red lentils


Momo’s Lentil Tofu Recipe

What do you do when one of your staple foods is now an Avoid for you?

ginger beer


Healthy Homemade Iced Ginger Beer

Try our recipe for a homemade version of a refreshing iced ginger beer that doesn't require fermentation.

travel oral health

Oral Health

Travel Tips for a Fresh Mouth and Healthy Teeth

Traveling can be a source of novel experiences and cognitive stimulation, but it often disrupts daily routines, including oral hygiene practices.

spa water


Stay Cool and Fully Hydrated with 4 Natural Electrolyte Drinks You Can DIY

When it’s hot and you sweat, your body loses water and minerals faster than usual.



7 Free Longevity Hacks That You Can Start This Weekend

The pursuit of a longer, healthier life doesn't always require expensive treatments or complex regimens.

watermelon lemonade


Refresh your Summer and Revitalize with 4 Healthy Watermelon Lemonade Recipes

This pink-tinged, sweet and tangy drink is perfect for hot summer days and can be a healthier alternative to sugary sodas or store-bought lemonades.