The Viome Blog

Category: Recipes

Refreshing Drinks That Won't Hurt Your Teeth


4 Refreshing Beverage Recipes That Won’t Harm Your Teeth

Tips on what to choose and what to stay away from when we want to hydrate and wet our whistle–but keep our mouth and oral microbiome safe

red lentils


Momo’s Lentil Tofu Recipe

What do you do when one of your staple foods is now an Avoid for you?

ginger beer


Healthy Homemade Iced Ginger Beer

Try our recipe for a homemade version of a refreshing iced ginger beer that doesn't require fermentation.

spa water


Stay Cool and Fully Hydrated with 4 Natural Electrolyte Drinks You Can DIY

When it’s hot and you sweat, your body loses water and minerals faster than usual.



Beet Kvass: A Nutritious and Probiotic-Rich Fermented Drink

This vibrant, slightly tangy drink is not only easy to make but also packed with health benefits.

watermelon lemonade


Refresh your Summer and Revitalize with 4 Healthy Watermelon Lemonade Recipes

This pink-tinged, sweet and tangy drink is perfect for hot summer days and can be a healthier alternative to sugary sodas or store-bought lemonades.

watermelon gazpacho soup


Cool Down and Taste Summer with a Chilled Watermelon Gazpacho Soup Recipe

Here's a delicious recipe that incorporates the cool, hydrating flavors of watermelon, yellow peppers, and cucumber, and the herbal freshness of thyme.

watermelon tomato salad


Bright and Festive Watermelon Tomato Salad

Celebrate summer festivities and keep cool at the same time with a vibrant and refreshing Watermelon and Tomato Salad that's as nutritious as it is delicious.



Mint Chocolate Chip “Ice Cream” Smoothie

Get ready to revitalize your mornings with this refreshing (and healthy) Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie



“Everything in the Blender” Green Smoothie

This smoothie elevates your game to provide you with an effective nutrition boost, but also gives you a measure of flexibility

morning kombucha


Three Restorative Morning Elixirs for a Healthy Microbiome

Rise, shine, and drink up one of these three elixirs you can make at home for gut health

Lentil and sweet potato soup


Mood Boosters: Six Recipes to Elevate Your Spirits

Food has a profound impact on our overall well-being, including our mental health and mood.

Kombucha jar


Support a Healthy Gut with DIY Kombucha at Home Probiotic Elixir

Make the probiotic drink kombucha to support gut health right in your kitchen at home.

chips and dip


Guilt-Free Snack Indulgences: How to Make Your Favorite Chips and Dip Healthier

From swapping out potatoes to getting creative with unique flavors, creating a more nutritious alternative is easy.

breakfast in bed


Celebrate Love (and Health) with a Nourishing Breakfast in Bed

What better way to express your love than through a thoughtful and personal gesture of serving breakfast in bed on Valentine’s Day?

cooking together


Create Nourishing Traditions With These 4 Easy, Healthy Meals you Can Make Together

Cooking with others is a perfect way to nurture relationships and encourage healthy habits.



Five Good For Your Gut Drink Recipes to Sip Before You Sleep

Start your bedtime routine with a good for your gut drink to help catch those good Zs and support your gut health at the same time.

reset soup


Reset and Rebalance: The Perfect Ginger Soup to Recover from a Sugar Binge

After a weekend of spiking your blood glucose with lots of sugar, your microbiome needs a soothing reset to help restore balance.

pink drink


Cheers to a Healthier You with a Sparkling Antioxidant Pink Drink

This healthy pink drink incorporates ingredients that contain nutrients known for their potential health benefits, including antioxidants and polyphenols.



4 Ideas for Healthy, On-the-Go Lunch Snackables

Quick ideas for when you don’t have the time to put together a healthy lunch.

tea anti-aging


Revitalize Your Tastebuds with 3 Healthy Aging Tea Elixirs

You’ll feel like a magician when you brew up these magical, anti-aging elixirs

brain bowl


Fuel Your Mind and Body with a Delectable and Nourishing Breakfast Bowl Recipe

Start the day with brain-targeting nutrients!

papaya banana digestion smoothie


Digestion-Soothing Papaya Banana Smoothie

For those times when digestion is slower than you'd like it to be, this smoothie can come to the rescue!



5 Deliciously Healthy Potluck Recipes to Impress Your Guests

With these hearty salads, kebabs, and main dishes, you've got something for everyone at the next gathering.