Thank you so much for joining us live for our special onboarding Open House! We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the resources we covered during the webinar, so that you always have what you need to get information and questions answered right at your fingertips.
Within the Viome App:
Guide to Your Recommendations – Look on your More page (on the bottom or side navigation), and you’ll see the link to this series of “mini-articles” with cooking tips, foods everyone should avoid, how much to eat, when to retest, and more.
Viome website:
The Viome Blog – The latest ideas, insights, and inspiration, expertly curated to empower you on your health journey. Learn more about systems biology and the many ways the microbiome plays a critical role in your health & wellness.
Categories not to miss –
Recipes – Comb through our category of original recipes to see how you may be able to create a culinary masterpiece. Or, at least a delicious meal, side, smoothie, snack or drink for yourself where your Superfoods and Enjoy foods can shine.
Viome Guides – A category where you can find a wealth of Viome-centric information, including full, in-depth articles on all of Viome's health test scores, how we create your recommendations, great oral health routines, how to make supplements a habit that sticks or how to simply start implementing your new results and recommendations.
Microbiome – The human microbiome is a vast universe. This category is great if you'd like to get some fantastic, helpful, and fascinating information on how all of our microbiomes work synergistically and holistically with our body's systems for total health.
Nutrition – Food does not only taste delicious and fill up your stomach, it is fuel, energy, nutrients, and can possibly even be medicine for your body. Find out more about the science of nutrition, and how our philosophy of eating the right foods for your body can be a path to optimized health.
Social Media:
Facebook – After you follow our Facebook page, be sure to request to join our Official Viome Official Facebook Group.
*Every Wednesday at 11 am PT, we host a LIVE Community Q&A, open to everyone who is a member of our Facebook Group. This is a live text chat within the comments section of the Q&A post, where you can ask any question you like. The Q&A post (see example below) will appear on the page on Tuesday afternoon. You can put a question in there at any time between then and 12 noon on Wednesday. You don't even need to be present during the Q&A hour if your question is in the comments section before 11am PT on Wednesday.

Join us and get your questions answered on your results & recommendations by members of our expert Clinical Nutrition team!
Viome Inspired Recipe and Meal Planning Ideas – Our other closed Facebook group (simply request to join) is a great place to find new ideas for Superfood recipes, or share your own!
Instagram – Come join us on this visual platform and tag us @viome with your own health journey stories, and pictures of delicious meals you've made with your Superfoods.
Pinterest – Join us on Pinterest for a curated collection of articles, tips, tricks, stories and more!
Twitter – Follow us @MyViome for daily insights to help you as you move along your health journey.
Webinars Recordings and Live Events:
YouTube Playlist – Here you can find our full library of topical content webinars. We recommend watching the “Signal in the Noise Series” Parts 1, 2, and 3, as these focus on the basics of understanding your health scores, how your recommended foods are generated, and how your supplements are formulated.
Live Webinars - Every month, we hold a new topical content webinar, with a variety of experts from our science and nutrition teams. Past topics include oral health, precision nutrition, movement, and mindfulness, and the connections between microbiome health and whole body health. If you are subscribed to our emails, you should get these invitations to register for these fantastic online events with a wealth of information.
Getting Help:
If you have questions about your Viome account, orders, supplement subscription, or other needs, please reach out to our Support Team online at support.viome.com. You can not only search through our Knowledgebase of FAQs and articles, you can also ask a question to our online chat, and submit a service ticket directly to the team.
How are my recommendations formulated from my test results?
You can find out more about how a little tube with your sample (or samples) gets amazingly transformed into your health insight scores and your nutritional recommendations in this in-depth article written by our very own Guru Banavar, Viome CTO and Lan Hu, Data Science and Bioinformatics Director.
How do I order Supplements?
If you are in the US or Canada, you should be able to purchase Precision Supplements and Precision Pre & Probiotics in your app. You can also contact us at support@viome.com for assistance.
In your app, navigate to the “Shop” page, and select at the top from Precision Supplements & Probiotics + Prebiotics Complete (capsules and stickpack biotics), Precision Supplements (capsules only), or Precision Probiotics + Prebiotics (stickpack biotics only). You can enter any discount code you have once you select your product and proceed to checkout.
What if a food I want to eat is not on my list at all?
If there are foods not on your recommendations list, this means that they have not been evaluated yet by Viome. These foods should not be treated as neutral but rather as unknown. If there's something not listed in your food recommendations that you want to eat, we recommend that you listen to your body! Try some and see how you feel. Refrain from eating any food that you know causes a reaction of any kind.
How much of my Minimize foods should I eat?
Great question! Here is Janelle Connell, Viome Translational Science Clinical Expert, to answer:
How can I get a printed-out report of my results?
You can have a PDF-formatted version of your test results and food recommendations emailed to you (or anyone else needed, such as your physician) through your Viome app.
Navigate to your “More” page, then select “Download My Report.” From there, type in the email address you’d like to receive the PDF report and click “Send most recent report.” If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder to see if it got caught in there.
What lifestyle habits should I focus on, in addition to following my Viome recommendations?
Excellent point. Here is Dr. Grant Antoine, Viome Translational Science Clinical Expert, to answer:
One of my Superfoods is apple, does that include all kinds?
Yes! For foods like apples, onions, lettuce, and other types of foods that may come in different colors or flavors, like gala and golden delicious apples, red and green lettuce, or white, green, or purple onions, you can eat any you like, and they are all considered superfoods. In the case of other types of foods, such as mushrooms, we have several types of mushrooms in our foods list (such as enoki, oyster, portabella, and shiitake) as each has a different nutritional profile and each would be recommended separately.
Why is sauerkraut a Superfood, but cabbage is an Avoid for me?
Wow, that’s an interesting one! Here is Hilary Keiser, Translational Science Nutritionist, Supplements, answers this question:
Tips and Tricks!
Looking for new ideas on recipes to help integrate your superfoods into your weekly menus? This is a great reason to use powerful AI tools such as ChatGPT to request a weekly menu using your Superfoods (with enough Enjoy thrown in for variety), but not using your Avoid foods. You can even have it provide links to recipes online, and also create a shopping list for you. Visit https://chat.openai.com/ and create a free account to get started. Just remember, it is an AI language model that uses the whole of the internet’s information to pull data from, and it can make errors based on the information it pulls for you.
Asking Chat to give you information is called a "prompt." Here is the basic prompt model for creating a menu with your personal Viome food lists:
Please create a weekly breakfast, lunch and dinner menu for me using the foods: [your Superfoods go here], [your Enjoy foods - as many as possible for variety - go here]. But please avoid these foods in the meals: [your Avoid foods go here].
You can also continue the "conversation" with follow-up questions (try additional ones and see what happens):
Can you give me 5 more ideas for dinners based on those foods?
Can you give me a shopping list for this weekly menu?
Here is a demonstration: